Project Hazel

BAZI 101: Statics

Ba Zi, the Eight Characters of Destiny, is the most popular solution of a person’s initial-value problem. The static destiny plate has only eight characters. As soon as a destiny plate is produced, the first order of business is to check its balance, that is, whether all five elements are present. Any missing elements must be found through other means. For example, the missing elements are mostly found in given names. The second step is to check the interactions among the characters. Interactions include collisions, inflictions, partnerships, mergers and so on. BAZI 101 covers both steps.

BAZI 102: Dynamics

The eight characters on your static plate are for life. Every decade you receive a new pillar, that is, an additional two characters to chew on. The ten characters work together to tell you your fortunes or misfortunes of the decade. Your dynamic plate consists of a sequence of pillars, one for each decade. Any missing elements should show up in the sequence, hopefully at the right time.

Pillar Functions

BAZI 101 and BAZI 102 are the mainstream Ba Zi taught in introductory courses today. There are a few pillar functions that are no longer in fashion but have been found to have predictive power. The harmonic function is one-to-one. the harmonic of a pillar is a flavor of one of the five elements. For example, my day pillar is sword-blade gold. The hexagram function is also one-to-one. For example, my day pillar hexagram is [64] Before Completion. There is also the multivalued function that returns an array of helpers and hinderers. Whereas the helpers are the guardian angels, the hinderers are the demons.


The Grand Master Xu Ziping is considered the father of Ba Zi. The Ziping method received a major overhaul at the end of the Qing dynasty when concepts such as the strength of the day master and a balanced plate were incorporated. The original Ziping method runs on formations. In contemporary Ba Zi, seven characters revolve around the day master. By contrast, in the original Ziping Ba Zi, seven characters revolve around the month commander. To determine a formation, the starting point is the month commander. In this document, we return to the basics.

Xin Ren Gui

Master Wei wrote “triplet” on his piece of scrap paper. He did not say a word about it. Perhaps he knew that I would research on it. Here is my report.

Purple Star Astrology

Purple Star Astrology is the most popular yin solution of the initial-value problem.

Project Hazel is yang.

Since yang always encapsulates yin, I include a brief discussion of my Purple Star destiny plate here.